Welcome to PendukaSafaris
- Pioneers since 1963 -

"What is man without the beast?"

"If all the beasts were gone man would die from a great loneliness of spirit for whatever happens to the beast also happens to the man. All things are connected whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth" - Chief Seathl 1855

Established back in the 1960s, Penduka Safaris is the oldest mobile safari company in Southern Africa and after 55 years in business the company remains a leader in the mobile safari sector.

Over time, Penduka Safaris adapted to the needs of the modern day client while keeping each safari an adventure from days gone by. PENDUKA is a unique company. It is run by a family involved in wildlife since the turn of the century. The passion and appeal for the bush, the people, fauna and flora has continued through each generation.

Today Penduka is still run by the Barnard family.